D2 Autolink works with import and not with Create
Is it me or is there a problem in D2 4.7 P06 and higher In my config, I have an Autolink configuration for a specific content (doc type). If I import a doc of this type, the Autolink config is used, the folders are created if needed and the document is linked to those folders. If I create a document of this type, the…
D2 4.7 Stuck in IE 11
Hi There, On all my machines, if I connect to my D2 4.7 P08 webapp with Firefox, no problems If I try in IE 11, then I get the D2 waiting circle but I never get to the login page. It can stay for hours like that.... No errors on the App server side. I cleared all my cache in IE, I also cleared the Java cache from the Java…
Content 7.3 on Windows Server 2016 Standard
Couldn't find any references of Server 2016 in the release notes but I still gave it a shot. when I start the installer (7.3 for Oracle), I get the following error once InstallAnywhere has finished decompressing everything: Flexeraax2$aaa: Windows DLL failed to load at Flexeraax2.af(Unknown Source) at Flexeraax2.aa(Unknown…
Adding rendition to non current version in DFS
I understand that DFS won't allow modifying a non current version of a document. I have read some posts about using DQL to update the properties. Freaking ugly if you want my point of view but I can live with that. However, how do I get about to add a rendition to a previous (non current) version of a document ? I can,…
No more emails since D2 deployment
Hi there, Since I deployed D2 (tried both with 4.1 and 4.2), the email notifications don't work anymore. Any idea ?
Same SBO, different docbases
Little question for you guys. If I have an SBO deployed in the Global Registry Docbase and the same SBO deployed in another docbase (could be the same version or a different version actually). If I call my SBO when I'm logged in the other docbase, which one will it take, the one for the local repository or from the global…
D2: Import manager override
Does anybody know where we can interrupt the D2 import manager (both from the content -> Import and Drag & drop) in D2 4.1 Basically, we need to check the format of the files to import before creating the properties and importing them so we can interrupt if they are not a support format in our application....
dynamic-menuitem ina D2 4.1 Plugin and conditions
I have a question regarding dynamic menu items in a D2 4.1 Plugin I'm developing so far, I can populate the item with multiple entries in them, depending on the config. I have a context menu (defined in the MenucontextDelta.xml in my plugin) as shown below <dynamic-menuitem id="mydynMenu"…
Anybody willing to share a simple D2 config ?
Hi All, To develop and test our portfolio of software on D2, we just deployed D2 on a clean system. For our purpose, we only need the simplest config possible, basically, we want to replace webtop with D2 but we don't want the fancy stuff from the HR example. When configuring nothing, the D2 version 3 client allows to…
I'm getting annoyed, what about you ?
I don't know for you but I'm getting a bit annoyed by people sending me direct Private Messages to ask technical questions. Isn't the purpose of such a community to help each other and most importantly, learn from each other's problems and resolutions ? The thing that kills me is that usually, I tell those users that I…
DateTimeTag changes not reflected ??
Hi there, I have a requirement to change the look and feel as well as the behaviour of the DateTimeTag I updated dmform_1_0.tld to use my own class which in turns extend the out of the box DateTimeTag class However, when I display the properties, it doesn't use my class, it uses the out of the box one. My env is Webtop 5.3…
A Weird UCF story with a happy ending !
All, I experiences quite a few problems with the UCF, especially when using the application connectors and suddenly everything works. Here is the story. I experiences, just like a lot of people, a lot of UCF errors. Tried to clean up the Java cache, my browser cache, the Documentum\ucf folder, etc... Uninstalled and…
Webtop: Changing Check out directory at runtime
Hi there, We have the following requirement from a customer Here is the story: In a custom object type, we have mandatory attribute Project Number Due to a 3rd party (unfortunately, not ours so we can't do anything about it), when checking out a document of this time, we need to put the file in a specific directory…
WDK Uninstall/Reinstall problem
Ok, here is the story I thought it would be smart (yeah, right) to upgrade my DA, Webtop and WDK installation from 5.3SP5 to SP6. So far so good. The problem is that I have a 3rd party app that won't work anymore Still being smart (!http://community.emc.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif! ), I thought, whatever, I uninstalled…