Got error 2009 from server
Just posting this knowledge nugget, cuz I didn't see it anywhere in these forums or on the support site. If you get "Got error 2009 from server", it means you're trying to set extended attributes on a directory. Tom
The ".dcr" file extension
Hi, I can't remember exactly why I think it is a "bad idea" to name your DCRs with ".dcr" extensions, but something in the back of my mind is warning me against doing it-- or any extension, for that matter. I'm at a situation right now, however, where it would be really handy to have a bunch of DCRs named with a ".dcr"…
Is there an iwpt_unload_dcr() ?
Just wondering . . . In many of my index-generating templates, I make liberal use of the iwpt_load_dcr( ) function to suck in other DCRs that I grab info out of. When I successfully load a dcr, I increment a counter like "$loaded_dcr++" and then make refrence the contents of this newly-loaded dcr like: my $blah =…
regex help
Ok, so I'm slightly embarassed to be posting a regex help question, but I know one of you beautiful freaks out there can hook me up with a quick answer: What's the regular expression for making a sentence "Title Case" (a.k.a. Camel Case Like This), if that sentence has an apostrophe in it. For example, if my $string =…
Changing IW server name and IP address
Well, I just got word that my IW servers are being physically moved to a new data center and, gee, would that cause any problems with your application? This move is going to involve both a change in the servername as well as a change in IP address. I'd like to start a thread to create a check-list for stuff to look out for…
OD 5.5.1 dependency on OpenAPI ?
Hi, I'm thinking that I need to use some OpenAPI functionality, and as I was purusing through the OpenDeploy 5.5.1 (for Solaris 8) manual to get more edumacated, I became somewhat confused. If you have a stand-alone OpenDeploy 5.5.1 installation, you automatically have OpenAPI installed, right? From a second machine (my OD…
Using javascript within a custom menu item CGI
Hi, This is kind of a two-parter. The short question is: within my custom cgi script, if I use the syntax: < HEAD> < SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src="/iw-bin/timeout.js">< /SCRIPT> < /HEAD> To replace some big ugly javascript code that used to spit out directly from within my cgi, the javascript doesn't work. I'm pretty…
doDeletes and excludePath
Hi, I was led to believe that with OD5.5.1, you'd be able to use comparison-based deployments (as opposed to filebased) that allowed you to exclude directories from being deleted on the target machine. I appear, however, to be misled. Here's my situtation. I have this 2-level branch structure:…
I couldn't find any info about the access_log's error message "Could_not_get_the_pass_phrase" in devnet, support or google, so I'm posting this experience for future suffers in the hopes that if they search for it, they'll see this solution: I had an TS 5.5.2 SP1 machine running on Solaris 2.8 connecting to NDS' LDAP…
IW's LDAP module holds on to IP sockets?
Hi, I've got TS 5.5.2 running on Solaris 2.8 and pointing to an NDS server for LDAP authentication. My NDS admin called me up and told me that he thinks the TeamSite server holds on to network sockets connecting to the NDS server and doesn't ever kill the connections. In otherwords, after several days of an IW-LDAP…
IE 5.5. client crashes on TST 5.5.2
Has anyone out there had problems with their Templating/Visual Format client installations once you've upgraded your TeamSite server from 5.0 to 5.5? I had templates galore working just fine in 5.0, but when I upgraded my TeamSite server to 5.5.2 (running on Solaris 8), all the Windows clients are experiencing massive…
Anyone using Covalent Apache?
Hi, I'm in the middle of upgrading to 5.5.2 and I'm trying to get my proxy server to work. I've asked my web ops guys to install Covalent ERS 2.2.1 Apache on the TS server for use as a proxy server. I'm following the instructions on pages 47-49 of the TS5.5.2 Admin manual about enabling SSI on Apache. I added the…
sudo instead of root on TS 5.5.2
Hi, On pages 30 and 48 of the TS5.5.2 admin guide for Solaris (I'm running 2.8), Interwoven recommends against logging in as root with sudo and alludes to "very bad things" happening if you do. I was curious if anyone has encountered problems using sudo after the install. For example, will I totally jack my installation if…
Solaris Clutering & High Availability
Hi, Is anyone running Interwoven in a Sun Clustered environment? If so, would you care to share your experiences? I've got questions around: ?] What licenses did you need to buy ?] How are you sharing your disk ?] Does it work very well ?] How hard was it to get working? Thanks, Tom
Forcing webdesk JSP recompilation
Hi, I wanted to add some contact information to the TeamSite login page. Right under where TeamSite says "Server: blah" and "Version: blah" I wanted to add "Primary Contact: blah" I remember this was pretty easy back in version 4.5, so I feel like a reject asking for help now. I'm on 5.0.1, and I tried to make my changes…
What does your TFO 5.5.2 installation look like?
Hi, I installed TeamSite Front Office 5.5.2 on our Sandbox Interwoven machine running Solaris 2.8 with Covalent Apache ERS2.1.1. I followed the directions in the TSFO admin guide, and ended up with a iw-home/httpd/iw/tfo directory with the following contents: tfo tfo/img tfo/img/bg_dialogpopbot.gif tfo/img/bg_divider.gif…
When --exactly-- does tt_data kick off workflows?
Hi, I'm running TS 5.0.1 on Solaris 2.8. The first time someone uses a DCT to create a DCR and then they generate an HTML page and click 'close', I have in my available_templates.cfg file a configuration that will kick off a deployment workflow. Any subsequent time that someone goes back in that DCR and makes a small…
doDeletes with excludePath
On my web server, I have a docroot like this: /www/docroot/corporate/about images includes homepage news whois Within TeamSite, I have a branch structure like this: ...default/corporate/WORKAREA/content/ about/ homepage/ news/ whois/ ...default/share/WORKAREA/content images/ includes/ You can think of the docroot as being…
What makes a file private?
I'm trying to figure out how to programmatically determine if a file is a 'private' file. I have my autoprivate.cfg set up to mark *.bak, *.class, *.tmp and so on as 'private' files. They show up in the TeamSite GUI as private files like they're supposed to, but they seem to be completey indistinguishable from public files…
Do the targetRules in OD5 even work???
Hi, I'm trying to deploy to two servers (A and B) at once, and I want to set the ownership on server A to be "crwmgr" and the ownership on server B to be "iwfmmgr" On page 191 of the OD 5 manual, it seems like this is relatively straightforward to do. No matter what I try, though, it seems as though OD just completely…
Bold and italics in an HTML page's < TITLE > tag
Hi, If I display any text that is bolded or italicized in between the < TITLE> tags of an HTML page generated by a TPL, the page title shows up with tags like < EM> and < STRONG>. For example, if I have this WYSWIG: News Blurb Should Be Verbatim Then this is what I get in the title of the web page: < U>< Strong>News Blurb<…
Can someone show me an example of the hidden tag?
Hi, I'm not a template developer, so this is probably a lame question, but how exactly does one use the "hidden" tag in a DCT? I see that on page 53 of my not-so-trusty TST5.0.1 developer's guide that it says a hidden attribute can have subelements 'allowed', 'callout', 'java-callout' and 'cgi-callout'. I don't care about…
ERROR: Unable to do hand shake with the sender
Just adding to the collective knowledge (cuz I couldn't find anything about it on support.interwoven.com): If you see the error message "ERROR: Unable to do hand shake with the sender" in the OD log files on your target machine, you should check to see if you were a monkey and put the "-inst instance" argument in the right…
OD 5 hangs when deployment fails
Hi, I'm running OD 5 with all the latest patches and hoo-haws on Solaris 2.8. Has anyone else noticed that even with the -async flag on the iwodstart command, if you kick off a job that tries to deploy to some machine and the jobs fails for firewall reasons or a syntax error in your deployment XML, the iwodstart command…
"Got Error 5 From Server"
I'm just posting this because this 'error' is pretty tough to diagnose, and I didn't see anything on it anywhere on devnet or support. When you run the iwpt_compile.ipl command, you need several arguments: /iw-home/bin/iwpt_compile.ipl -pt path to presentation template -iw_pt-dcr path to DCR (optional) -ofile path to…