any solution for maintaining iwwa.cfg?
hi, does anyone has a "remote" solution in maintaining the iwwa.cfg file? i would like to do the following but if u have an alternative, i hope to consider: 1. create a db_table (mySQL) containing workarea, wa_alias, user_id 2. use perl to extract the data and parse it to an XML file (which essentially is the iwwa.cfg…
how to check if TFO process in running?
hi, how do i know if the TFO server is running on the Solaris box? and is it possible to just stop/start the TFO service? tks!
error when calling WF...
anyone has any idea how to overcome this error (see attached). I had wanted the WF to be able to execute with the user only having to be Author role. But it seems that the account requires both Author & Editor roles to execute the WF, which I do not want...
Strange TS552 Install
i just managed to install TS 552 on a new server m/c... after overcoming some issues as usual. I started installation using "tsadmin" account which was actually "administrator" renamed for security purpose. Yet after the installation I still get "domain/Administrator" written to all the UID files. Why aren't TeamSite…
STAGING Permissions
Why is it that my STAGING area is not viewable by ALL. Some folders show "N/A"... though the default for STAGING is to allow all workareas users to be able to QA the submitted contents???
OD: Is there a way to confirm files are deployed?
There have been situation where my Production Web Server got hung. Such that files submitted were deployed at the STAGING but did not successfully deployed the the PWS? What options are there to close the loop? such that i can be sure the files are deployed at the Production Server end, without of'cos doing a manual check…
URGENT: How to add a file during Workflow transit?
at some stage of the workflow, i would like to add a file automatically. i saw something on TeamSite::WFTask using AddFile($path, $comment). BUT i hav no idea how to where or how should i use it???...in external task, cgi-task, just where to put the code? what is $path and $comment (their syntax)???.... appreciate some…
calling IWSUBMIT from workflow task
here i am trying to excute the CLT "iwsubmit" from workflow-external task...not working... i used the external task attribute, this is what i wrote: c:\iw-home\iw-perl\bin\iwperl.exe c:\iw-home\local\bin\whatsnew\HR\PublishIndex.ipl where "PublishIndex.ipl" contains:- system("$IWHOME\\bin\\iwsubmit.exe -w -r -u…
external_task or cgi_task?
i wish to excute a Perl script after certain Task Transition within a workflow. Should i use CGI-Task or External Task? I tried both, it just stalled at the task. I checked the iwjoberrors.log, it says "Could not run c:\iw-home\local\bin\whatsnew_indexer\GenerateIndex.ipl for task 115356; aborting (requires admin…
Help Needed: TS Workflow
hi, anyone willing to share "real working" workflow templates for me to try some workflow exercises? Perhaps a WF that does this: Allows Authors to select files for submission for Approval - Author check the files; - select the Approver; - defaults the workarea path; - send email to Approver; - Approver Approve/Reject; -…
Email in WFB Example doesn't work
I was tryin out the examples from WFB5.0 - WFB_Author_Assignment_with_Email.wft . BUT I didn't get any email from the workflow. What is servlet_email anyway? How do I check why it doesn't work?
how to list only selected user acct. in the...
how does one list only selected "user accts" in the workflow form and IS there a way to correlate the NT account to an alias name?
how to really get started on WF Builder???
Has anyone got examples of WFs built using WF Builder to share? Also, I have a simple WF in mind BUT just dunno how to really get started...here goes: 1. Author/Editor select the required file/s then click on "Submit" button 2. Pop-up WF Form, which automatically includes the selected files and allows using to choose the…
Advice needed for Regional Website CMS
hi, i need to setup a regional website consisting of various asia countries. would the structure serve well? OPTION 1: main/ASIA [Branch] - SG [Sub-Branch] - DeptName [Workarea] - etc. - MY [Sub-Branch] - etc.. OR OPTION 2: main/SG [Branch] - DeptName [Workarea] - etc. main/MY [Branch] - DeptName [Workarea] - etc.. etc..…
Unrecognized directive in my deployment file...
hi, i'm using OD5, and i was testing the deployment config file's directive "setAccess" and "changeAccess". Both returned the error "Unrecognized directive". This is what i added:- <permissionRules changeAccess="{ everyone:NONE }"> </permissionRules> gosh...I'm always getting some new issues as i move along....
Anyone uses TS FronOffice Tools???
searching for fellow users of TS who also uses FrontOffice tools....let's share some experiences?
TFO - auto_index.ipl
wonder if anybody uses TFO. Need some help to modify the script auto_index.ipl The original script does an indexing pretty okay EXCEPT that I would think that an indexing script for use on the web should do a LIFO order instead of LILO order...shouldn't the latest items appear on top? I'm lousy with Perl and absolutely not…