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external_task or cgi_task?
i wish to excute a Perl script after certain Task Transition within a workflow. Should i use CGI-Task or External Task?
I tried both, it just stalled at the task. I checked the iwjoberrors.log, it says
"Could not run c:\iw-home\local\bin\whatsnew_indexer\GenerateIndex.ipl for task 115356; aborting (requires admin attention)"
What does it mean??? I tried the cmd offline and it works fine...
I tried both, it just stalled at the task. I checked the iwjoberrors.log, it says
"Could not run c:\iw-home\local\bin\whatsnew_indexer\GenerateIndex.ipl for task 115356; aborting (requires admin attention)"
What does it mean??? I tried the cmd offline and it works fine...
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