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This report design shows how to switch a pie chart to a bar chart when a series value is negative
When using a pie chart, if the value of a series is negative, BIRT will still display the slice in the part as if it were a positive value. To overcome this problem, one solution is to switch automatically to a bar chart when one of the values is negative.<br /> <br /> The attached example uses the visibility attribute of…
Populating a drop down list in a BIRT report
The attached example shows how to generate and populate an HTML drop down list in a BIRT report with values taken from a data set. The process consists of storing the values in an array and using JavaScript to add dynamically the values to the "select" item. To populate the array, I override the onCreate method in the…
Top N / Bottom N Report
This sample report shows how to create a Top N / Bottom N report. The top 5 and bottom 5 customer sales by product line are displayed.<br /> The report was created using BIRT 2.2.2 and the Classic Models database.
Tag Cloud Report
Example of a BIRT report that creates a Tag Cloud report.<br /> It uses the Classic Models database and BIRT 2.2.2
BIRT Report with database write-back
This is an example of using a servlet to write-back data from a BIRT report to a database.<br /> <br /> The servlet uses a copy of ClassicModels for SQL Server, but it could be adpated to any RDBMS.<br /> Once the servlet is compiled and jarred, put the jar file in your iportalWEB-INFlib folder. Then, modify your web.xml…
Making the scales of a dual-axis chart the same
When generating a dual-axis chart, the scale of each axis is determined by the low and high values of the series contributing to each axis. Although this behaviour makes sense, in some cases it is desirable to have the same scale for both axes even though the values may differ in range.<br /> <br /> It is possible to…
Setting the Min and Max value of the X-Axis with scripting
In the attached example, a line chart displays the number of items sold between two parameter-driven dates. Although the default dates for the parameters are 2003-01-15 to 2003-03-01, there is only data for dates starting 2003-01-29 and ending 2003-02-24.<br /> <br /> By default, BIRT will create an X-axis scale where the…
Une introduction à BIRT
Pour nos amis francophones, cette page offre une introduction de haut niveau àl'architecture de BIRT.http://www.eclipsetotale.com/articles/BIRT.html
Creating a Waterfall chart in BIRT
Waterfall charts are a special type of floating column charts. A typical waterfall chart shows how an initial value is increased and decreased by a series of intermediate values, leading to a final value.<br /> <br /> This example shows:<br /> <br /> - how you can prepare the data to be displayed in a bar chart that will…