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Utility to Migrate or Moving Document from one folder Location to another

Hello Experts,

Any one have or EMC provided any utility to Move bunch documents from one folder Location on another Folder location in WEBTOP .

Is there any DFC Utility or some thing can some one suggest me ? any links to further help to start to work on.


Baiscally we are planing to Change the existing folder structure , So all the doucuments which are part of those folders need to be moved to new place.

I am looking for any utility , which can help me out to move the documents from one folder structure to another in WEBTOP.



  • aflowers001
    edited 2008 29 #2

    If you have a fairly simple requirement to move quit a few documents from one folder to another then look into using the DFC API class IDfMoveOperation, either via a simple Java application or via docbasic.

    Alternatively try products such as Buldoser (Link). I've seen this in action and it can be used to do exactly what you want, but might be expensive.

  • aashishpatil
    edited 2008 29 #3

    Maybe if I don't fully understand but you are looking to perform a simple move.

    You can do simple moves using the Webtop clipboard.

    Edit - > Add to Clipboard

    Go to destination

    Edit -> Move Here

  • DCTM_Guru
    DCTM_Guru Verified
    edited 2008 30 #4

    You can also use UPDATE DQL to LINK and UNLINK folders. This convenient for batches if you can define a DQL select criteria.

  • mitesh
    edited 2008 31 #5

    Thanks all, I have to develope DFC code for this operation, I think I canuse "IDFMoveOperation" but that will not moce all the versions of the documents , How can i do that ?

    any inputs...

  • mitesh
    edited 2008 31 #6

    Hello aflowers001,

    Is That product is free ? can you provide me Download link for he same ?

  • DCTM_Guru
    DCTM_Guru Verified
    edited 2008 31 #7

    Using (ALL) predicate in DQL, you can move ALL versions of a document. As for Buldoser, its not free. Its made by Crown Parners.