Forms Builder 6.5 installation
I am upgarding forms builder 6 SP1 to forms builder 6.5
I followed the following mentioned steps:
To install the forms builder dar
1. Install headless composer
2. created build xml, install xml and batch file
3. run the ANT scripts as mentioned in Composer Quick start guide.
The scripts executed fine giving no error.
Now, the issue is that I am unable to figure out, whether this dar has been successfully installed in the repository or not. I queried on dmc_dar, but dql resuled in error stating no object type dmc_dar is present in the repository.
Since forms builder 6.0 was already installed, I do not know wich new Artifacts have been added in 6.5 so that I can query on them.
Also, I would like to know, since EMC is providing me with the dar, am I supposed to still run the build ANT script or only emc.install is required
Assuming that dar is successfully installed I followed the second step of installing forms builder
I installed forms builder on my system. I could see some new forms template added in 6.5 . But, another problem is, if I create any new form, it does not get open after its creation. Even the existing forms are not opening. Forms builder gives no error.
I have forms builder 6.0 Sp1 installed on another system which works perfectly fine.
Please help me to figure out, how to find out if dar has been properly installed or not and secondly, why the forms are not opening?
Preeti Gupta
Our system is upgrading from 5.3 rather than 6.0, but I've gone over the documentation a few times. First thing I noticed from your post that you were doing a query for dmc_dar. There isn't an object table for this. You need to query against dm_application. That's where the DAR objects are listed.
Secondly, I'm going to assume that you can always browse in your docbase over to the /System/Application folder and scan the objects there. See if they were versioned or modified or whatever.
As for the forms not opening, there is a step about updating the global registry ( file) where the Forms Builder is installed. Make sure you've covered that step. Double-check all your template permissions, group and role memberships (like forms user) and then start checking your application server. (I'm assuming that forms are launching just fine from the designer, but not launching from the application side like Webtop, Taskspace... whatever.) If you have any custom code to launch forms or connectors, make sure those are still intact and not written over.
There's a lot of people just getting their hands on this version. Not a lot of help may be available at first, but I'm sure there's others in the same boat.
I am also doing an upgrade a test enviroment to d6sp1 environment and have some problems with forms builder.
In forms builder upgrade, there is chapter which describes some upgrade procedures including Migration of Forms.
We have problem regaring to this forms migration. There is an error which says "createFormadaptorRelationship() error: there is an error during migration of form, ************, string index out of range : -3" however the form works fine on both d6 and d5 environments.
do you have any idea about this problem?
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