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Customizing iPortal parameters
Junior Member
In my application, there is a need to customize the iPortal parameters page.
For eg: I want to have various parameters in form of check boxes. If the check box is selected, that parameter should be passed to the report otherwise not. For this I will need to customize the iPortal parameters page.
Is it possible to do that?
For eg: I want to have various parameters in form of check boxes. If the check box is selected, that parameter should be passed to the report otherwise not. For this I will need to customize the iPortal parameters page.
Is it possible to do that?
Hi SAmbekar,<br />
<br />
Yes, you can create custom parameter pages for the iPortal. There are 3 different approaches you can take. <br />
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1) Create your own JSP page that does what ever you need and this page constructs the correct URL needed to generate the BIRT report through the iPortal.<br />
<br />
2) Modify the existing requester pages that ship with the iPortal. (Ideal for a global change to all pages)<br />
<br />
3) Create a new requester page and Action class. (Ideal if you want to change the way the iPortal decides how to generate parameter pages...and you know Struts)<br />
<br />
You can read more in the Customizing iPortal doc (starting on page 72) located at <a class='bbc_url' href='http://www.birt-exchange.com/documentation/Manuals/creating-custom-iportal-apps.pdf'>http://www.birt-exchange.com/documentation/Manuals/creating-custom-iportal-apps.pdf</a>
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