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rptlibrary problem
Junior Member
after creating rptlibrary i use css file in theme and after all i using this file
as themes in reoprt to import my .css styles
now when i preview its look as i desinged
but when i published it can not import any styles of my css files
actually what matters
can u give me steps for using my css file to applying my styles in report
as themes in reoprt to import my .css styles
now when i preview its look as i desinged
but when i published it can not import any styles of my css files
actually what matters
can u give me steps for using my css file to applying my styles in report
Hi,<br />
I hope these links will help you:<br />
<a class='bbc_url' href='http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/tutorial/basic/basic11.php'>http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/tutorial/basic/basic11.php</a><br />
<a class='bbc_url' href='http://birtworld.blogspot.com/2006/04/get-some-style.html'>http://birtworld.blogspot.com/2006/04/get-some-style.html</a><br />
<br />
-Laurent -
u give me lots of hints to help
but it could not solved yet
actually my problem :
i am using latest eclipse birt 2.2
now as discussed in that page
i create rplibrary and themes in it using .css now when i use this in report and preview it shows including my rptlibrary styles
but when i tried publish on apache tomcat 5.5 try to show it can not be load,is there any settings remain in it?
even i can not deploy all this parameters and any data set of rptlibrary
i think some step or link i could not get pls help me!!
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