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very slow performance of cube analysis
Junior Member
i have database oracle and birt 2.2
i have created view in oracle for geting efficient data from no. of diffrent tables with group by fuctions,now i made cube from this view with dimesions,mesures,
when i trying to preview report with crosstab of this cube it takes 25 minutes
because i have more than 24 lakhs records
please help me to increase efficiency of my project
is there any another option?
i have created view in oracle for geting efficient data from no. of diffrent tables with group by fuctions,now i made cube from this view with dimesions,mesures,
when i trying to preview report with crosstab of this cube it takes 25 minutes
because i have more than 24 lakhs records
please help me to increase efficiency of my project
is there any another option?
thanks <br />
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i have tables like branch,sales executive,distributor,retailer in one schema<br />
which <strong class='bbc'>can be used</strong> as one dimension in BIRT cube<br />
i have another two tables brand and item which <strong class='bbc'>can used </strong> as dimension item in BIRT cube<br />
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now i have have three another table which is used to gate bill_date,qty and <br />
another measures from diffrent schema,<br />
now instead of using different tables and diffrent schema in BIRT <br />
i am creating a view with group by option which <br />
contains my all fields which can be used in birt <br />
in BIRT i simply select this view in data set and create my cube with three dimesions like chanel,product and time and try to use in cross tab<br />
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my view conatains more than 1,50,000 records and when i try to preview this report it takes more than 1 hour ,what is issue?<br />
how can i resolved this ?<br />
is there any option to use materialized view creted in oracle 9i? -
Hi , I think BIRT also uses java applets for Cube viewing as Actuate cube Designer. The Recommended size for data used in the Cube Designer was 5 MB, exceeding which will lead to crash in efficiency.
Also if you are using so many nested subgroups and applying aggregate functions in those, lot of calculation is need to be performed leading to more response time as well. -
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="manan"><p>Hi , I think BIRT also uses java applets for Cube viewing as Actuate cube Designer. The Recommended size for data used in the Cube Designer was 5 MB, exceeding which will lead to crash in efficiency.<br />
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Also if you are using so many nested subgroups and applying aggregate functions in those, lot of calculation is need to be performed leading to more response time as well.</p></blockquote>
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I would like to clarify on this:<br />
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BIRT cube has no relationship with the existing Actuate cube designer or Actuate analytics technology. It doesn't use java applets to view the cube data. Actually BIRT 2.2.X doesn't offer the capability for you to perform dynamic data analysis yet. The only way to view the cube data is to add a crosstab in a BIRT report design.<br />
<br />
In future releases of Actuate BIRT (most likely in iPortal interactive viewer), we will add the capability for people to perform data analysis on a BIRT cube. The crosstab interactive viewer feature will allow people to perform filtering, sorting, aggregation/calculation, or pivoting on a BIRT cube stored in a report document. iPortal interactive viewer is ajax based, so this feature will be a server-based feature. It will not download the cube to the client side.<br />
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-wenbinWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipb -
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