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Regarding chart

hardik_982 Junior Member
i have designed chart with report format
now i am doing column visible on and off using report parameters with boolean
now i just want to do change with column hiding changing my charts with different options automatically,could any body give me the way do like this


  • David
    David Junior Member
    edited 1969 31 #2

    Could you please elaborate the scenario you're trying to achieve:
    - Is your chart inside the table?
    - What property of the chart are you trying to modify?
    - Have you tried using scripting to modify the chart rendering based on the report parameter, you can write a script (in JavaScript) by clicking on the script tab after you select the chart. There are some examples of this in the chart examples plugin, and in the chart examples view. You can also do it in Java by registering an Java event handler class to your chart report item, see the examples in the chart examples plugin.


  • hardik_982
    hardik_982 Junior Member
    edited 1969 31 #3
    thanks for showing interest,
    actually i am not reached yet to this phase of my project yet
    but i thought for it
    now i have one another issue

    i have one report overall.rptdesign with cross tab and cube sales with
    groups chanel(branch head,executive,distributor,...),td(time attributes),
    and number of summaries fields.
    i have also set hyperlink(driill down) to next report
    i have next report executive.rtpdesign with cross tab and same cube(copy)
    with hiding upper level(branch head) and showing next level(executive) of
    analsis with cube
    i have passed "?" in query to get dynamic report with parameter in next report
    like "where branch=?"
    now there is a same cube copy used in next report with diffrerent query with parameter

    can i use same report within for doing all this thing?
  • rmurphy
    edited 1969 31 #4
    If I understand you correctly, yes you should be able to do this. You can change the query based upon a parameter. Check out an example at <a class='bbc_url' href='http://www.birt-exchange.com/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=2&lid=176'>http://www.birt-exchange.com/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=2&lid=176</a>.<br />
    <br />
    Another possible approach to this could be to use the same query, but apply a filter to the data set based upon your parameter.<br />
    <br />
  • hardik_982
    hardik_982 Junior Member
    edited 1969 31 #5
    thanks sir,<br />
    i got wonderful clue using the example<br />
    <a class='bbc_url' href='http://www.birt-exchange.com/modules...?cid=2&lid=176'>http://www.birt-exchange.com/modules...?cid=2&lid=176</a>.<br />
    <br />
    now i want to use script for cube and also for show and hide levels <br />
    can i write in script for show and hide the groups of cube or is there any another option to do this thing dynamically<br />
    <br />
    i am waiting for your guidence
  • rmurphy
    edited 1969 31 #6
    Instead of writing script to show and hide levels in a crosstab, utilize the filtering capabilities at the crosstab level. You can filter by level, and then by measures, dimensions, etc at within the level. The UI to this is enhanced in BIRT 2.2.1.
