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Async server method call using DFC


I am trying to call a server method asynchronously in my TBO. Therefore I set the option "Run Asynchronously" in DAB when I created the method.

In my code I do the following:

            IDfList argsList = new DfList();             argsList.insertString(0, "METHOD");             argsList.insertString(1, "SAVE_RESULTS");             argsList.insertString(2, "ARGUMENTS");             argsList.insertString(3, "LAUNCH_ASYNC");             argsList.insertString(4, "RUN_AS_SERVER");                 IDfList argsTypes = new DfList();             argsTypes.insertString(0, "S");             argsTypes.insertString(1, "B");             argsTypes.insertString(2, "S");             argsTypes.insertString(3, "B");             argsTypes.insertString(4, "B");                 IDfList argsValues = new DfList();             argsValues.insertString(0, "");             argsValues.insertString(1, "T");             argsValues.insertString(2, "'-docbase_name " + Const.DOCBASE                     + " -user_name " + Const.SUPERUSER + " -ticket " + Const.PASS                     + " -object_id " + this.getObjectId() + "'");             argsValues.insertString(3, "T");             argsValues.insertString(4, "T");                 System.out.println("executeMethod...");             getSession().apply(null, "DO_METHOD", argsList, argsTypes, argsValues);             System.out.println("finished!");

But the Method always runs synchronously. I can see it in the logs, the System.out.println("finished") gets called after the server method is complete

What am I doing wrong?? Please help! Thank you.