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Integrating a custom data source in BusinessReport Studio
The following steps will guide you through setting up custom data source:<br />
(Note: Assuming a typical install IPORTAL_ROOT is:<br />
iServer - C:Program FilesActuate9iServerservletcontaineriportal<br />
iPortal Workgroup - C:Program FilesActuate9iPortalwebappsiportal)<br />
<br />
1. Create a directory "MySQL" under IPORTAL_ROOTiportalbizRDoda<br />
<br />
2. Copy Query.jsp to IPORTAL_ROOTiportalbizRDodaMySQL<br />
<br />
3. Copy CustomBrsQuery.jar to IPORTAL_ROOTWEB-INFlib. The source code for the custom query is located in the .jar file for your reference<br />
<br />
4. Edit database.properties to include your JDBC Driver class, connection URL, database username, and password<br />
<br />
5. Place database.properties in IPORTAL_ROOTWEB-INF<br />
<br />
6. Copy the JDBC driver to be used into IPORTAL_ROOTWEB-INFlib<br />
<br />
7. Edit the web.xml file located in IPORTAL_ROOTWEB-INF. After the definition of the OdaSampleServlet add:<br />
< servlet ><br />
< servlet-name >CustomQueryServlet< /servlet-name ><br />
< servlet-class >com.actuate.erni.oda.ClassicModels.CustomQueryServlet< /servlet-class ><br />
< /servlet >
<br />
8. Within the same file add the following after servlet mapping definition for OdaSampleServlet:<br />
< servlet-mapping ><br />
< servlet-name >CustomQueryServlet< /servlet-name ><br />
< url-pattern >/CustomQuery< /url-pattern ><br />
< /servlet-mapping >
<br />
9. Edit erni_config.xml located in IPORTAL_ROOTWEB-INF. Add the following after the odaconfig for OdaSample:<br />
< odaconfig ><br />
< name >CustomQueryBuilder< /name ><br />
< displayName >Enter your own query...< /displayName ><br />
< description >Connection to yodatabase< /description ><br />
< datasetExtensionId >org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.dataSet< /datasetExtensionId ><br />
< datasourceExtensionId >org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.dataSource< /datasourceExtensionId ><br />
< enabledInWorkgroupMode >true< /enabledInWorkgroupMode ><br />
< enabledInEnterpriseMode >true< /enabledInEnterpriseMode ><br />
< entryPoint >/CustomQuery< /entryPoint ><br />
< /odaconfig >
<br />
10. Restart iServer/iPortal service for the changes to take effect.<br />
<br />
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