By default the usernames, roles and passwords are stored inside BIRT iServer within encyclopedia volume. Using Report Server Security Extension (RSSE) you can build a soap based web application that will externalize user registration and authentication.<br />
<br />
The following example illustrates this concept by having BIRT iServer authenticate users against a simple text file that holds username and passwords in clear text format. This example could be extended further to use database instead of flat file.<br />
<br />
Here are steps to set up:
< Volume >
RSSEIPAddress="hostname or IP address"
RSSESOAPPort="8900 or other port number"
< /Volume >
<br />
- Shut down BIRT iServer<br />
<br />
- Unzip the attachment to: [install dir]/servletcontainer/webapps/<br />
<br />
- Copy all the jar files from [install dir]/servletcontainer/webapps/acrsse/WEB-INF/lib to [install dir]/servletcontainer/webapps/examplecorp/WEB-INF/lib<br />
<br />
- Modify acserverconfig.xml (located in [data location]/iServer/data/config) to enable open security:<br />
<br />
- The sample assumes comma delimited text file to be in C:\temp, so you will need to move [install dir]/servletcontainer/webapps/examplecorp/users.txt to C:\temp. If you are on a different operating system (or file system) you will need to modify the source file appropriately and compile it to a new class file<br />
<br />
- Restart BIRT iServer<br />
<br />
- Login into Information Console with the credentials in users.txt<br />