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inline base64 image in html output
The beforeFactory script reads a image url and base 64 encodes the image. It then creates an image src tag
A text item is then added to the report with the following expression.
importPackage(Packages.javax.imageio); importPackage(Packages.java.io); importPackage(Packages.java.net); importPackage(Packages.java.lang); importPackage(Packages.org.apache.commons.codec.binary) importPackage(Packages.java.lang); var myurl = URL("http://tomcat.apache.org/images/tomcat.gif"); var img = ImageIO.read(myurl); bas = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(img, "gif", bas); bas.flush(); encodedimga = Base64.encodeBase64(bas.toByteArray()); encodedimg = new String( encodedimga, "utf-8"); bas.close(); imgsrc = "data:image/gif;base64,"+encodedimg+"\"";<br />
A text item is then added to the report with the following expression.
<img src=<VALUE-OF>imgsrc</VALUE-OF> +" alt="what ever" />
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