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Standalone Chart Engine and Builder Examples

David Junior Member
edited 2020 23 in DevShare Downloads #1
The Chart Builder and Chart Engine can be used outside reports to create and render and charts. There are three applications in the attached examples:<br />
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- Render a Chart in a web application. It also demonstrates the usage of style you can apply to the chart, and gives you an idea how to easily integrates charts into your web application.<br />
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- Render a Chart natively in Swing or SWT. It also shows some custom interactivity examples you can achieve in Swing or SWT: how to explode a pie chart's slice by clicking on it or how to drill-down data in a bar chart.<br />
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- Use the Chart Builder in standalone mode. This demonstrates the use of the Chart Builder to build a chart design, that you can then load with the Swing/SWT viewer example above. It is generally a good idea to proceed this way instead of building the whole chart from scratch with the API. Then you can load the model and tweak a few properties at runtime, saving a lot of time of trial and error, since the chart builder creates a valid model, with a live preview (you can even hook your own data for the live preview).<br />
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Those examples have been built and tested with BIRT 2.2M6.