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BIRT Mail merge report
Junior Member
This report uses classic techniques of inserting data elements within elements of text to create a data driven form letter.<br />
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This report makes heavy use of the Advanced "display" property. Setting this property to inline allows you to flow items left to right.<br />
A similar technique is to use the Text item element and multiple <value-of>...</value-of> tags, however that technique makes maintenance harder, and puts everything within a single elements, limiting flexibility. With the technique used in this report, each data element is a seperate report element, allowing greater flexibility in layout, and styles. You can also use conditional formats and other advanced features of BIRT.
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This report makes heavy use of the Advanced "display" property. Setting this property to inline allows you to flow items left to right.<br />
A similar technique is to use the Text item element and multiple <value-of>...</value-of> tags, however that technique makes maintenance harder, and puts everything within a single elements, limiting flexibility. With the technique used in this report, each data element is a seperate report element, allowing greater flexibility in layout, and styles. You can also use conditional formats and other advanced features of BIRT.
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