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flex-AIR and BIRT
Junior Member
Hi all,
I'm a newbie of BIRT (excuse me for this). I want to use BIRT in a AIR application, but I don't understand how to pass parameters to the report engine. For example if i would stamp a report of some record of a mysql table filtered by date (from... to...) how can I do? Excuse me for very bad english
I'm a newbie of BIRT (excuse me for this). I want to use BIRT in a AIR application, but I don't understand how to pass parameters to the report engine. For example if i would stamp a report of some record of a mysql table filtered by date (from... to...) how can I do? Excuse me for very bad english
Since BIRT is Java, the best approach is to either build a web-service to around the report engine that will allow you to communicate with it from your Air applicaiton, or make URL calls to an application that has is running the BIRT Engine. A good example of making URL calls would be using the BIRT Web Viewer and calling the run or frameset servlets passing the parameters in the URL.
Rob -
thanks rmurphy (are you italian?), but the problem is not how to connect with birt but how to pass some value. I've a mysql db and birt should launch a query on this db, but the query conditions are giren by the AIR program.
For example:
"Select * from MYTABLE " can be inserted by BIRT
"where field like'%something%' should be passed by my AIR application.
How can I do this?
thsnks a lot
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