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How to organize my Data Sets
Junior Member
First of all, sorry for my poor english.
We need to create some reports using a lot of queries (Data Sets). We are looking for the best practise to organize the Data Sets. We have looked at the libraries but this seems not to be efficient in our case.
In a library, we can add Data Sources, Data Sets and any Reports Items in order to be uise in many reports. In a library we can't create folders for data sets. So we have thought to create an hierarchical libraries organization. The master library contains Data Sources, Master Pages and styles. Children libraries depend on the master library. But this method don't work : we have to add link to master libray ressources in children libraries. Also, the are conflicts when we try to create a report from many children librairies. In fact, each child link to the master library, and the master libray can't be declared twice in a report.
How do you organize your reports items, data sources and data sets ?
Thanks in advance.
First of all, sorry for my poor english.
We need to create some reports using a lot of queries (Data Sets). We are looking for the best practise to organize the Data Sets. We have looked at the libraries but this seems not to be efficient in our case.
In a library, we can add Data Sources, Data Sets and any Reports Items in order to be uise in many reports. In a library we can't create folders for data sets. So we have thought to create an hierarchical libraries organization. The master library contains Data Sources, Master Pages and styles. Children libraries depend on the master library. But this method don't work : we have to add link to master libray ressources in children libraries. Also, the are conflicts when we try to create a report from many children librairies. In fact, each child link to the master library, and the master libray can't be declared twice in a report.
How do you organize your reports items, data sources and data sets ?
Thanks in advance.
A few questions:<br />
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1. What are you trying to accomplish? A cleaner appearance in the Data Explorer for a given report? Reusable queries?<br />
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2. Which version of BIRT are you using?<br />
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3. How do you -- or plan to -- deploy and run your reports?<br />
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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Erwan"><p>Hi,<br />
<br />
First of all, sorry for my poor english.<br />
<br />
We need to create some reports using a lot of queries (Data Sets). We are looking for the best practise to organize the Data Sets. We have looked at the libraries but this seems not to be efficient in our case.<br />
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(snip)<br />
<br />
How do you organize your reports items, data sources and data sets ?<br />
<br />
Thanks in advance.</p></blockquote> -
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="briangkuhn"><p>1. What are you trying to accomplish? A cleaner appearance in the Data Explorer for a given report? Reusable queries?</p></blockquote>
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For my project i have to develop reusable queries (store on librairies) and specific queries (store on report). What I want to do : a cleaner appearance in the Data Explorer on librairies in order to classify my data sets. <br />
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I have another problem : how to create data sets depending on other data sets and tables. I explain my goal : I create a generic query store on a data set. This query uses some tables and return a lot of fields. Then i want to create a query based on the previous query and on other tables from my database. I also want to add some aggragate fields. How can I do it on BIRT ? <br />
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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="briangkuhn"><p>2. Which version of BIRT are you using?</p></blockquote>
I use the version 2.2.1 of BIRT<br />
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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="briangkuhn"><p>3. How do you -- or plan to -- deploy and run your reports?</p></blockquote>
Reports should be generated via a batch program.
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