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Deplyoing iPortal under JBoss
Junior Member
We are in the process of moving from Open Source BIRT viewer to Actuate iPortal commercial version. I have couple of questions.
1. We use JBoss as our app server. I deployed the iPortal.ear file to our JBoss instance and i can access the iPortal login page but couldnt login because no valid user name / password exists. Where / How do i set the user name informations in iPortal.
2. This is more of a design question. Currently we use the open source BIRT viewer to view the reports. Now we wanted to replace this viewer with Actualte's interactive viewer. I understand that iPortal provides all the capabilities of managing the reports / scheduling etc along with interactive viewer. We wanted to user our existing portal to continue to do all the reports management and viewing alone needs to be through interactive viewer.
Just to summarize, in the open source case we wrote a viewing servlet which extended the org.eclipse.birt.report.servlet.BirtSoapMessageDispatcherServlet and added our customizations there. Now im looking for a similar mechanism to extend the interactive viewer servlet.
3. The document 'Creating custom web applications using iPortal' has a section which lists all servlets and the possible parameter values each can take. But is there a Java doc available for these servlets so that i can see which methods are available for overloading etc?
We are in the process of moving from Open Source BIRT viewer to Actuate iPortal commercial version. I have couple of questions.
1. We use JBoss as our app server. I deployed the iPortal.ear file to our JBoss instance and i can access the iPortal login page but couldnt login because no valid user name / password exists. Where / How do i set the user name informations in iPortal.
2. This is more of a design question. Currently we use the open source BIRT viewer to view the reports. Now we wanted to replace this viewer with Actualte's interactive viewer. I understand that iPortal provides all the capabilities of managing the reports / scheduling etc along with interactive viewer. We wanted to user our existing portal to continue to do all the reports management and viewing alone needs to be through interactive viewer.
Just to summarize, in the open source case we wrote a viewing servlet which extended the org.eclipse.birt.report.servlet.BirtSoapMessageDispatcherServlet and added our customizations there. Now im looking for a similar mechanism to extend the interactive viewer servlet.
3. The document 'Creating custom web applications using iPortal' has a section which lists all servlets and the possible parameter values each can take. But is there a Java doc available for these servlets so that i can see which methods are available for overloading etc?
Hi Mustafa,
It sounds like you will need to update the STANDALONE_ACCESS_MANAGER context parameter in the web.xml of the iPortal application to point to the to be com.actuate.iportal.security.DefaultAccessManager instead of com.actuate.iportal.security.workgroup.WorkgroupAccessManager. Also, can you confirm the parameter value for the REPOSITORY_TYPE parameter in the web.xml?
For question number two, what kind of customizations are you looking to do? The Interactive Viewer servlet leverages quite a few JSP pages that are found in the directories under iportal/iportal/iv/pages.
At this point, there is not any JavaDoc for the iPortal. The primary integration for the iPortal is via JSP tags, URL's, and servlet calls.
Rob -
Thanks for the quick response.
When i changed the ACCESS_MANAGER setting on the iPortal which is runnig on the Tomcat it is working. But when i tried to deploy the iPortal on JBoss it still gives me the error that user doesnt have read permission. Infact, i picked the iPortal.ear from your iPortalapplication-9sp2.zip file. This ear file already has the correct ACCESS_MANAGER setting and repository_type is set to Workgroup. Could you please see if you can drop this iPortal.ear file on your JBoss instance, if possible ?
As far as the second question i guess i can directly call the IViewer to render the page.
My other question is, how do i customize the log file location and other temporary report file locations. I'm aware of the fact that it is possible through web.xml. But we are an OEM vendor and would be integrating iPortal into our application, so we cannot hard-code this information into the web.xml file. We need to provide a way so that our customers can customize these locations. Any idea how we might achieve this?
Mustafa -
I was able to finally deploy it under JBoss. Our version is 4.0.2. The problem was that i need to create 'C:workrepositoryRoot' directory because iPortal expects this directory to be present during startup. If you delete this directory and try again you would get the same error.
Any idea about how we might be able to customize log file and other temp file locations ?
Mustafa -
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