Naming Conventions Are Important
One of our people tripped on something yesterday because someone did something they shouldn’t have and it uncovered something in the new in-browser editor that may or may not matter to you, depending on how you look at it. It doesn’t matter to me because we specifically tell people to not do this, so it’s not something I would care about beyond letting people know.
If we have a branch or sub-branch named with a single quote embedded, such as: //hostname/default/main/foo/bar/my_url's/WORKAREA/shared
And we attempt to edit a file in that workarea with the new in-browser editor, it will fail to allow the editing session to even begin. If you look behind the scenes, it throws javascript errors. The single quote in the path throws things off. Apparently this didn’t cause any problems for the old Launchpad editing. But I did not test it – because I don’t really care – I won’t allow people to create branch or filenames with special characters in them. The user who created this branch should not have used a quote in the name.
If you do allow people to ignore proper naming conventions for filenames and directories, this may hurt you. You've been warned.
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