In-Browser Editor Adds DOS ^M Carriage Return Chars to Every Line
This appears to be a fairly major bug in the new in-browser editor in the and 8.x (I assume) versions of TeamSite that have replaced the Java Applet editor. I'm creating a new thread on this because I think it's significant. I created a support case for this - haven't received word back from OpenText confirming that they are declaring it a bug, but I can't imagine adding unwanted characters to files would be anything but a bug. When you edit files with this new inline editor and then deploy to Linux, the files will have the ^M chars at the end of each line. This can wreak havoc on certain kinds of files in Unix/Linux, which it has for us. What we don't know yet is how/if this will affect any of our user content. So far we have only seen it affect the config/scripts we maintain in our iwadmin store.
We are scrambling to code up our own workaround until OpenText can fix this problem.
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