rendering-resource-config.xml - where to update?
One of the challenges I have with TeamSite is where to put customizations such that a Build or Make-toolkit (which one to use is another challenge) will pick up the change and not mess things up.
Specifically today I'm trying to create a new Page_Token that will work in preview mode. To do that I need to update rendering-resource-config.xml. That file is found, currently, in 6 places on my TeamSite server:
1) \Interwoven\TeamSiteUI\wcmweb\toolkit\teamsite\build\war\WEB-INF\conf\livesite\resources
2) \Interwoven\TeamSite\\webroot\WEB-INF\conf\livesite\resources
3) Interwoven\ApplicationContainer\standalone\deployments\wcm-service.war\WEB-INF\conf\service\resources
4) Interwoven\ApplicationContainer\standalone\deployments\iw-wcmweb.ear\iw-teamsite.war\WEB-INF\conf\livesite\resources
5) Interwoven\ApplicationContainer\standalone\deployments\iw-preview.war\WEB-INF\conf\livesite\resources
6) Interwoven\ApplicationContainer\standalone\deployments\iw-cc.war\WEB-INF\conf\livesite\resources
So I assume numbers 3-6 are NOT where I want to put it since those would be destroyed when a build is done.
Numbers 1 & 2 don't look right since there's no "customer" or "custom" in the path name.
Anyone know where to create a new rendering-resource-config.xml such that a "build" or "make-toolkit" will pick it up? While we're here, after making the update do I want to do a build or make-toolkit?
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