LSCS deployment bug (lscs-authoring.xml)
Reported this today.
We use <branchinfo a lot in lscs-authoring.xml:
<branchinfo branch="//teamsite/data/main/someproject" project="someproject">
<runtime mode="production" lscsContext="lscs" lscsRuntimeTransport="http" lscsRuntimeHostname="localhost" lscsRuntimePort="1876" destinationArea="/opt/interwoven/LSCSRT_store/" destinationNode="LSCSRuntime"/>
Took the 2nd store offline (to run iwmigrate) so the path //teamsite/data/main/someproject doesn't exist.
ALL LSCS deployments failed when parsing lscs=authoring:
09:19:49,540 INFO [stdout] (pool-10-thread-1) [ERROR] 09:19:49 StartDeployment - Error while parsing configuration file: java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid TeamSite VPath "//teamsite/data/main/someproject"
09:19:49,540 INFO [stdout] (pool-10-thread-1) [ERROR] 09:19:49 StartDeployment - Exception in StartDeployment.handleDeploy()
09:19:49,540 INFO [stdout] (pool-10-thread-1) java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid TeamSite VPath "//teamsite/data/main/someproject"
Deployments were attempted from /default and NOT the offline store (which should not affect the /default store), and all failed.
This was TS/LSCS 732 on Solaris but also replicated on TS/LSCS 8.2 on Linux 7
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