PLC Deploy task customization
Where can one find how to customize the PLC?
If you use, there are a number of parameters that you can set to choose different options:
usage: startdeploy [-help][-option1Key option1Value] [-option2Key
-StartDeploy_CustomDeploymentConfigOptions Deployment configuration custom options - n key/value pairs
-CSSDK_CfgPath Path to cssdk cssdk.cfg file in TS-HOME/cssdk
-StartDeploy_DeploymentMode Deployment mode. It needs to match to one defined in lscs-authoring.xml
-StartDeploy_TsAreaDiffArea TS area for area-diff deployment
-StartDeploy_TsAreaDiffPreviousArea TS previous area for area-diff deployment
-CSSDK_TeamsitePassword Teamsite password required for cssdk
-CSSDK_TeamsiteUser Teamsite username required for cssdk
-ContentExtractor_BinaryExtensions The list of extensions for binary files
-ContentExtractor_HTMLPattern The Java regex pattern to match HTML files
-ContentExtractor_KeyViewFilterEnabled Enable/disable keyview filter
-ContentExtractor_TextPattern The Java regex pattern to match TEXT files
-ContentExtractor_XMLPattern The Java regex pattern to match XML files
-OpenDeployService_ClientKeyStore Client keystore provided to the Interwoven OpenDeploy Service
-OpenDeployService_Hostname Host on which the Interwoven OD Service runs
-OpenDeployService_Port Port on which the Interwoven OpenDeploy Service runs
-OpenDeployService_ProtocolHandler Protocol handler for Interwoven OpenDeploy Service
-OpenDeployService_TransportType Transport type for Interwoven OD Service. httpTransport|httpsTransport
-OpenDeployService_WebSvcTimeOut Timeout period(in minutes) to Interwoven OpenDeploy Service
-StartDeploy_Async Asynchronous deployment. true|false
-StartDeploy_AuthoringTempArea Path to authoring temp area
-StartDeployPath to the authoring xml configuration file containing attribute types, mvf etc
-StartDeploy_Branch TeamSite branch.
-StartDeploy_CommitConfigFile Points to deployment commit configuration file to be used
-StartDeploy_DeleteTempArea Whether to delete authoring temp context area after successful deployment
-StartDeploy_DeployConfigFile Points to deployment configuration file to be used
-StartDeploy_DeploymentAction Deployment action. deploy|reset_project. default is deploy
-StartDeploy_DestinationArea OD Destination area
-StartDeploy_DestinationNode OD replication farm node name present in odnodes.xml
-StartDeploy_LogLevel OD log level. VERBOSE|NORMAL
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeHostname Hostname of LSCS runtime server.
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeKeyStore Keystore to use to connect to LSCS runtime server
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeKeyStorePassword The keystore password to use to connect to LSCS runtime server
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeKeyStoreType The type of keystore to use to connect to LSCS runtime server
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimePort Port on which LSCS runtime is running
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeTransport Transport type for LSCS runtime server. http|https
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeTrustStore Truststore to use to connect to LSCS runtime server
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeTrustStorePassword The truststore password to use to connect to LSCS runtime server
-StartDeploy_LscsRuntimeTrustStoreType The type of truststore to use to connect to LSCS runtime server
-StartDeploy_OverrideManifest Path to a manifest file that provides list of files and attributes to be deployed
-StartDeploy_ResetProjectConfigFile Points to deployment reset project configuration file to be used
-StartDeploy_RollBackConfigFile Points to deployment rollback configuration file to be used
-StartDeploy_RuntimeContext LSCS Runtime context
-StartDeploy_Simulate Simulate OD deployment. true|false
-StartDeploy_SourceHost Source host identifier
-help Prints help for this command
I was hoping that I would be able to add a Java bean in customer-teamsite-resource-config.xml but I have not been able to figure out what I can use
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