Trying to externalize Messages, LSDS in TS preview
Using this bean for a messages file ( ans
<bean id="messageSourceWrapper" class="">
<property name="messageSource">
<ref bean="messageSource"/>
<bean id="messageSource"
<property name="basenames">
When I use the value in the WAR it works, when I try the external path, it does not. This means I need a UI rebuild every time there is a change to the messages file.
I get Key not found in the UI and see this in the logs:
2016-01-28 16:52:18,053 INFO [STDOUT] 16:52:18,053 WARN [ResourceBundleMessageSource] ResourceBundle [file:///opt/interwoven/TeamSite/custom/properties/webapps/messages] not found for MessageSource: Can't find bundle for base name file:///opt/interwoven/TeamSite/custom/properties/webapps/messages, locale en
I also tried file://localhost/opt/..... no luck
What is really strange is that the next bean down works (using the same syntax):
<property name="locations">
Both work correctly on the runtimes.
WTF am I missing ?
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