Playing with 8.0
OK, loaded up a Centos VM with 6.6
Ran the installer, was quite clean, no failures. HP seems to have improved some of the annoying issues with the old installer (having to reenter the DB info all the time, etc).
My current biggest issue is that the backing store is not writable from the filesystem. I used the only uvfs I could find, and maybe that was old.
Looking through the install log, I was shocked by the (almost) complete lack of errors. Before there would be stack traces like crazy and you needed to know which you could ignore.
This error gave me a chuckle:
2015-08-01 01:46:54,876 INFO com.interwoven.wcm.install.framework.ia.Driver$InstallerProgressMeter - ignoring completion percentage less than previous: 43, 44
The other error I saw is strange:
2015-08-01 01:47:46,330 INFO com.interwoven.wcm.teamsite.install.tasks.server.unix.ExecuteTsConfig - tsconfig process stder: WARNING: This version of TeamSite only runs on Linux ES 4 and AS 4.
Is that really implying it runs on a 2005 vintage level of Linux? :-)
I am going to triple check my shared objects and see if the UVFS is the right level.
Will post more.
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