PageScopeData delay?
Trying some performance testing on LSDS, runnign on TC and Linux. TC screams. 5 ms per jsp.
I built a hello work LSDS page. No JS/CSS being loaded. No Java externals.. When I look at the log, with debug I see a significant gap in time here:
2015-03-17 16:28:10,909 DEBUG [] PageScopeData: PAGE_SCOPE unable to find parameter: body_injection_top
2015-03-17 16:28:11,091 DEBUG [] PageScopeData: PAGE_SCOPE unable to find parameter: body_injection_bottom
It starts at
2015-03-17 16:28:10,884
and ends at
2015-03-17 16:28:11,092
So there is a 180 msec delay looging for the body_injection_bottom parameter, and a 24 msec delay everywhere else.
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