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Smart list automatically logs results to source
This is in a JSP file, using the JSTL tag <c:forEach to iterate through the component results:<script> <c:forEach items="${component.results}" var="content"> var Data = { text1: "${content.text1}", text2: "${content.text2}", text3: "${content.text3}" };
This is just done so I can access the different types (text1, text2, text3) of the component results later.
For some reason the page source is printing out
var Data = { | |
text1: "[Whatever text 1 is]", | |
text2: "[Whatever text 2 is]", | |
text3: "[Whatever text 3 is]" | |
}; |
for each of the results, which makes my source page 20,000+ lines long. Anyway to prevent this? Or does anyone know if this is even a WEM issue and not a Javascript/JSP issue?
Any input would be appreciated.
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