SOLR Requires username/password for TeamSite Connector - Why?
Now that I have SOLR running, I attempted to index my backing store, only to discover that I need to create a TeamSite Connector for SOLR first. The instructions for this are pretty much embedded in the Help feature for the Connector - they should also be in the Product Docs, but that's a whole other rant.
I'm curious why we need a username/password for the Connector. I didn't need a specific account username/password during the installation of either SOLR or ZooKeeper. What exactly is the thing authenticating against?
It's very difficult for me at my company to get a password for a generic account. This will be really tough to get past my Security team. Especially since I cannot tell them why it's being requested other than "it's prompting me for it", which is not really a great reason.
Also it doesn't say that this account needs to be the same one SOLR is running as - that would be a pretty important piece of information if it does need to be the same account.
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