TS 16.3 DCT Form:Finish button not working when Containers used in the form
I may be completely off my rocker on this one, but I've tested this and been able to reproduce it and it is behaving this way in our existing Production server on DCT forms that have not been touched in years. It appears that in TS 16.3, if you have a DCT form that utilizes tags, the Finish button on the DCT form will not work for previously saved DCRs. It works only when you enter the data the first time (New Form Entry), but after a DCR is saved and you open it for editing, the Finish button is no longer working. If you open the console debugger in FF, I see the error:
TypeError: datacapture.activeItem is null
But I have no idea what that means. I have opened a support ticket with OpenText. Waiting to hear if I'm an idiot or if I'm the only one who didn't know about this bug. Or both. I can't believe I would be the first one to catch this...
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