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Assigning Tasks to Group
To add to this response, there are a couple of ways to do this. You can either use a grouptask, as the previous reply stated, or you can string together usertasks by using multiple <succ> tags within a <successorset> and with the <or> tag in the <activation> tag following the tasks you want to allow to be active concurrently. There are advantages and disadvantages to using either solution.
You can set up your data collection form (using the TAG_info directive) to allow the user to input or select from a list which users or groups they would like to perform your task(s) that need to be executed by a group. You can also create cgitasks that would allow you to change the users/groups in a grouptask while your job is active. You can also change the owner of a task. This allows you to have a lot of control over when and who can own a task.
Dave Smith
<font color='red'>Dave Smith</font>
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