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DeployNRun 5.0 troubles
Hello there all. I am struggling to get DnR to function under 5.0. I have my script attached here. Help is appreciated!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<deploymentConfiguration nodeSetFile="c:/interwoven/opendeployng/etc/odnodes.xml" >
<localNode host="teamsite" />
<replicationFarm name="toyota_prod" >
<nodeRef useNode="devaiglstorfer" />
<definition name="ed_0006">
area = "Y:/default/main/smays/EDITION/ed_0006" >
<path name = "." />
<target useReplicationFarm="toyota_prod" >
<comparisonRules dateDifferent="yes" />
<permissionRules file="0644"
directory="0755" >
<targetFilesystem area="c:/iwtmp" />
<deployment transactional="yes" >
<execDeploymentTask useDefinition="ed_0006" >
when="after" >
<script cmd="default\build.bat"
<logRules maxBytes="32Mb"
level ="VERBOSE"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<deploymentConfiguration nodeSetFile="c:/interwoven/opendeployng/etc/odnodes.xml" >
<localNode host="teamsite" />
<replicationFarm name="toyota_prod" >
<nodeRef useNode="devaiglstorfer" />
<definition name="ed_0006">
area = "Y:/default/main/smays/EDITION/ed_0006" >
<path name = "." />
<target useReplicationFarm="toyota_prod" >
<comparisonRules dateDifferent="yes" />
<permissionRules file="0644"
directory="0755" >
<targetFilesystem area="c:/iwtmp" />
<deployment transactional="yes" >
<execDeploymentTask useDefinition="ed_0006" >
when="after" >
<script cmd="default\build.bat"
<logRules maxBytes="32Mb"
level ="VERBOSE"
Make sure your XML file is well-formed. FYI - the script you are trying to run has to be on the source (not the destination). According to TS 5.0 documentation, the deploy and run script must be on odbase. Previous version of OD allowed you to execute a script on the odreceiver. IWOV has indicated that this function will be available in a future release.
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