Fun with the In-Browser Editor and OpenText Engineering
We opened a support case with OT over the lovely new in-browser editor regarding the search feature and how it doesn't use case properly when searching:
When I used the in browser editor and tried to search for a word "Companion" it didn't find the text.
Note: The file content has both "COMPANION" and "companion".
- So when I search with a mixed case word " Companion", it doesn't find anything
- When I search for all lower case "companion", it finds both "COMPANION" and "companion"
- When I search for all upper case "COMPANION", it finds just the upper cased word "COMPANION"
The first response from engineering was this one:
Engineering has responded on this issue.
They recommend all of these searches be done with all lower case letters. The tool is 3rd party so we have no control over changing this function.
I said no thank you to that. That's ridiculous and we don't accept that. Then they came back with this:
This tool will support a case insensitive search as below:
Search using a regex expression like ‘/Curious/i’
Wrap a string between two forward slashes (/{}/i) and ‘I’ means ignore case.
Let me know if this case can be closed as resolved.
To which I responded again no thank you. How can anyone expect business users to use regex for searching? OT Engineering is clueless. Fix the problem.
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