Tomcat's docBase and LSDS
I've created a new Pagetype that contains: (plus a lot more)
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/xsl/cml/format.xsl"?>The bottom line is I want the browser to pull in the stylesheet "/xsl/cml/format.xsl" stylesheet to do the formatting. This works in the preview/edit environment using /iw/cci/meta/injection/iw-mount/default/main/SP/WORKAREA/development/xsl/cml/format.xsl.
But I'm having trouble in the runtime world. Using "/xsl/cml/format.xsl" I get "invalid site" back. If I put the file on the apache side I get CORS issues. So, I'm looking for a way to access through LSDS to access a static piece of content.
The basic question is: I have a static file residing in the runtime environment (Unix) /xsl/cml/format.xsl how can I access it through the LSDS server (it must use the LSDS server or we get CORS issues)
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